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济南鑫宇碳化物有限公司, 有限公司. 北方工厂正式开业 - JINAN XINYU CEMENTED CARBIDE CO.,LTD

济南鑫宇碳化物有限公司, 有限公司. 北方工厂正式开业

10月 8, 2022, 济南鑫宇硬质合金有限公司北厂区, 有限公司. 正式开业.

With the further expansion of the company’s production scale, the North Factory of Jinan Xinyu Cemented Carbide Co., 有限公司. 正式开业. The new factory area exceeds 2,000 square kilometers, and is mainly responsible for the finishing and warehousing of products.

